ABATE Rally Planned For Labor Day

(KNZA)--Motorists traveling in Jefferson County  later this month are warned to use caution as motorcycle traffic will be on the increase. 

That happens Labor Day weekend when the 37th annual Labor Day Rally is hosted by ABATE of Kansas(Play Audio) 

That's Doyle Pendergraft, representing District 11 of ABATE of Kansas, including Atchison, Brown, Doniphan and Leavenworth Counties. 

Numerous motorcycle enthusiasts are expected to travel to Paradise Point, Lake Perry, for the annual get together. 

Pendergraft says motorists and motorcyclists alike need to properly, and safely, share the road with each other(Play Audio) 

According to the ABATE Kansas website, the rally will begin when the gates open at noon Friday, August 31st, and continue through Labor Day. 

While everyone is welcome to attend, non-ABATE member passes will cost 35-dollars per person, 10-dollars more than member admissions. 

Rvs, campers and trailers will need to pay an additional 20-dollar camping fee. 

All admissions are for the entire weekend, with no day passes being made available. 

Rules will be heavily enforced, including children under 18 required to be in their family's campground after 8:00 at night. 

Other violations, in the words of the website, are a one way ticket out, including possession of firearms or attitudes, racing, wheelies and burnouts. 

The campgrounds can be accessed from K-4, at Valley Falls.

For more information, see the ABATE Kansas website here 

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