Hiawatha Budget Contains Mill Levy Decrease

( KNZA )--The Hiawatha City Commission has approved for publication a proposed 2013 budget that calls for a one mill decrease in the property tax levy.
The budget approved for publication Monday evening contains an estimated tax rate of 46.9 mills.
City Administrator Lynne Ladner says the city was able to lower the mill levy due to an increase in the city’s assessed valuation.
Ladner commented on the proposed city budget...( play audio )
Ladner says the budget also includes funding for special events..( play audio )
Prior to approving the budget for publication, the commission agreed to increase the subsidy provided to Town and County EMS by $5,000 to $33,900 for 2013.
Town and County EMS Owner/operator Duke Koerperich requested the increase due to increased insurance costs and to purchase needed equipment.
Koerperich has also requested a similar ncrease in funding from the county.  County Commissioners haven’t yet finalized their budget for publication.
The Hiawatha City Commission will consider adoption of the budget following a public hearing at a special meeting on August 13th.   

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