***Closings***    Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
More Candidates File for Local Political Offices

With less than a week left until the filing deadling, more candidates have emerged in races for elective office in Richardson County and Nemaha County Nebraska.
 Phil Fisher of Dawson has filed to run as a write-in candidate for the Richardson County Commissioner seat in District 3.  Current Commissioner Bill Ely (ee-lee) is not seeking reelection to the position.
 Rock Herr of rural Humboldt has filed to run for a four-year term on the HTRS District 70 Board of Education. 
 In Nemaha County, David Helms of Auburn has filed to run for the District 2 County Commission seat, against incumbent Dennis Wittmann, who will seek reelection to the position he was appointed to.  Both Helms and Wittmann are running on the Republican ticket.
 Anthony Johnson of Auburn has filed to run for the 1st Ward City Council seat in Auburn.  He is, to date, the only candidate for that position. 
 Stephen Clark of Johnson has filed to run for a seat on the Johnson-Brock School Board.
 The filing deadline for non-incumbents to have their name placed on the ballot in the May 15th primary election is Thursday, March 1st. 

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