Nemaha Co administrator's contract extended

Nemaha County Courthouse

(KMZA)--Nemaha County Administrator Mike Miller will remain on the job a while longer.

On the suggestion and approval of department heads, the County Commission voted last week to extend Miller's contract until March 31st

That's when new county administrator Robert Reece is to begin work. Reece currently serves as Finney County administrator.

Miller had submitted his resignation in December, which was to have been effective January 31st.

In other business, County Emergency Preparedness Director Eddie Aldrine informed commissioners the county has been awarded a Hazard Mitigation Grant for the purchase of weather radios.

The Commission voted to approve the local match requirement in the amount of $3,269, which represents 25 percent of the total amount of the grant.

Also Glacial Hills R C & D Director Gary Satter met with the Commission to provide an update on the activities of the organization and ask for a $3,000 donation from the county for 2025. The Commission approved the request.

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