Longtime Hiawatha volunteer firefighter recognized

( L-R) Fire Chief Patrick Sheldon, Mayor Becky Shamburg and Don Koontz

(KNZA)--A longtime Hiawatha volunteer firefighter was recognized for his service to the city during Monday evening's City Commission meeting.

Mayor Becky Shamburg presented a plaque to Don Koontz in recognition of 20 years of service.

Koontz recently retired from the Fire Department after serving as a volunteer firefighter from October 2004 through October of this year.

In addition, Shamburg recognized public works employee Chad Goben for 5 years of service to the city.

In other business, the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing the sale of general obligation bonds to finance the replacement of the traffic signals at the intersection of 1st and Oregon Streets at an estimated cost of $795,000 and replacement of the water meters in town at an estimated cost of $870,000.

That came after the Commission adopted resolutions authorizing both projects, which are planned for next year.

Bond Counsel Kevin Cowan joined the meeting via Zoom to guide the Commission through the process.

At the request of Fire Chief Patrick Sheldon, the Commission authorized the Fire Department to seek bids for two options to provide additional space to house the department's apparatus.

With the department's new truck set to arrive next week, Sheldon said they have a housing problem.

He said the Fire Department came up with two options to address the situation. One option is remodel the old gas station to provide additional space for a truck and the other option is to add a new building on the back of the Fire Station. It would replace an existing building, whose roof leaks.

Sheldon said he felt both options are viable.

The Commission also voted to seek bids for the removal of a derelict house located at 1101 Miami Street, which Commissioner Brian Shefferd said he feels is a safety concern.

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