Revised flood predictions along the MO River

Missouri River, June 22, 2014

(KLZA)-- Rainfall amounts ranging from 4 - 8 inches fell across portions of eastern Nebraska Monday night into Tuesday morning leading to a flood warning along the Missouri River from Nebraska City south through St. Joseph.

At Rulo, the river is forecast to crest Friday afternoon around 1 p.m. at 19.4 feet which is 2.4 feet above the 17 foot flood stage.

At Brownville, flood stage is 33 feet with a crest predicted at 37.3 feet Thursday afternoon about 1 p.m.

At Nebraska City, flood stage is 17 feet with the crest predicted at 19.5 feet Friday evening about 7 p.m.

The Missouri River is forecast to crest at St. Joseph Friday afternoon at 19.1 feet which is just below the 20 foot flood stage.

At Atchison, Kansas the river is not expected to crest above the 22 foot flood stage, raising to 20.3 feet Friday evening.

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