Richardson County Board reviewing budget proposals

(KLZA)-- Richardson County Commissioners reviewed the complete budget as requested by County Officals and discussed changes that have been recommended during their August 16 meeting.

The Board has recommended certain reductions from the proposed budgets to maintain the tax levy at or below last years rate.

The budget proposal presented to Commissioners in July, based on submissions from department officials included a budget of expenditures of $21,840,325, representing a 2.4 percent increase amounting to $512,873. The initial proposal would require a property tax increase of nearly one and a quarter million dollars.

In other buisiness Commissioners discussed with Sheriff Rick Hardesty a letter to the Humboldt-Table Rock - Steinauer Schools notifying them of the County's intention, due to unforseen circumstances, to terminate the agreement to provide a school resource officer.

The Deputy that was to occupy the positon for the school year is a member of the Army Reserves and has been called to active duty. Coupled with pending retirements within the department, the Sheriff's Department does not have enough personnel to staff the position.

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