Brown Co Sheriff attends Campus Safety Conference

Brown County Sheriff John Merchant

(KNZA)--Brown County Kansas Sheriff John Merchant recently returned from Henderson, Nevada after attending the Campus Safety Conference 2023.

Sheriff Merchant was notified that he had been chosen as a finalist for the Campus Safety Director of the year award presented by Campus Safety Magazine. Sheriff Merchant was recognized for his efforts on launching the "Teen Lifesaver Program" which certifies high school students from the two School Districts in Brown County in First Aid, CPR and AED. Since the inception of the program, more than 2000 high school students, staff and caregivers have been certified or recertified in these lifesaving skills. The program has been nationally recognized and widely supported locally by grants and donations which allows the training and certification to be provided at no cost to the students, staff.

Sheriff Merchant's conference fees and travel expenses were grant funded. The Campus Safety Conference focused on all aspects of school safety such as school violence prevention, scenario-based training, tabletop exercises, as well as school safety assessments. The importance of networking and information sharing between agency leaders and a review of products designed to deter violent acts on schools were also discussed.

Sheriff Merchant said "It was an honor to represent Brown County at such an important educational event.” “The information and insights gained from this training will be invaluable in making our schools a safer and more secure environment for the students of Brown County. The Teen Lifesaver Program has been a team effort which includes support from my staff, our local schools, faculty and students. I would also like to recognize our financial supporters who brought this program to fruition. Many thanks to KEX RX, Sac and Fox Tribal Council,Johnsonville, BPOE ELKS #647, Trans Canada Pipeline, NADA, Dr. Jordan Haedt DDS, and a very special ”Thank You” to the Ruth and Roger Wolfe Charitable Trust." Without the support of these generous donations, this program would not have been possible."

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