Groundbreaking held for NVCH expansion, remodel project

A groundbreaking ceremony was held June 27 to mark the start of an expansion/remodel project at NVCH ( Credit: NVCH)

(KMZA)--A ground breaking ceremony was recently held to celebrate the beginning of a 22-million dollar expansion and remodel project at the Nemaha Valley Community Hospital in Seneca.

Hospital CEO Kiley Floyd says the project will address many critical improvement areas throughout the facility. She said the design will integrate new technology, create an environment that improves the patient experience and efficiency for staff, and ensure a sustainable future for health care in the area.

The project will include a 23,500-square-foot addition that will include a new patient wing, emergency department and radiology wing.

It will also include a 20,000-square-foot renovation to the existing hospital to convert to a new surgery department, cardiac rehab department, administrative wing, modifications to the labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum room and new mechanical systems throughout.

The hospital expansion will be paid for through community support, grants, and loans from the USDA.

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