New housing development planned in Hiawatha  

(KNZA)--A new residential housing development is planned in Hiawatha.

The Hiawatha City Commission voted Monday evening to authorize City Administrator Becky Berger to sign an agreement with The Anderson Group, L.L.C, of De Soto, Kansas, for a duplex development on about two acres of city-owned land west of Bruning Park along Apache Street.

Dave Anderson appeared before the Commission to discuss the proposed about $4 million project. Anderson says plans are to construct six duplexes, which would be available for rent to residents.

As part of the agreement, the city will seek a $650,000 grant from the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation to help with the project. The grant application is due June 2nd.

Once awarded, the developer would have six months to start the project and 18 months to complete it.

A housing study conducted last year by the Hiawatha Foundation of Economic Development showed the need for additional housing in the city. The city and HFED have been working together to try to bring additional, quality housing to the community, and Anderson was contacted.

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