Leadership restructured in Atchison's USD 409

Clockwise from top left: LaTisha Downing, Lindsey Hansen, Mark Felvus, and Tyler Lueckenhoff/Credit: USD 409/Facebook

(KAIR)--An administrative restructuring is approved for the next school year of the Atchison public schools of USD 409.

According to a release from the school district, the move means LaTisha Downing is named the new Atchison High School Principal for the 2023-2024 school year.

Downing currently serves the district as Central School Principal.
A former student of the school district, Downing has held a variety of roles during her many years of employment, including that of class room teaching, prior to ascending to her roles of leadership.

The restructuring also means Lindsey Hansen, current Atchison High School Assistant Principal/District Communications, becomes Central School Principal, as well as Communications/CTE Coordinator for the next school year.

Tyler Lueckenhoff, the current Assistant Principal/Activities Director for the Atchison Middle School, is named as the new District Activities Director, while Mark Felvus, the current Assistant Principal/Athletic and Activities Director at Atchison High School will serve solely as AHS Assistant Principal for the next school year.

Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Renee Nugent, in emailed correspondence with MSC News, says she is “excited about the restructure” as it means the district “can continue to build leadership capacity within [the district] while navigating a seamless transition all the while maintaining the integrity of [the school district's] Visible Learning Journey.”

The administrative restructuring recommendation was approved Monday during the Board of Education's regular meeting.

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