Nemaha Central board member facing recall vote

(KMZA)--A Nemaha Central USD 115 Board of Education member is facing a recall vote.

Nemaha County Clerk Mary Kay Schultejans on Wednesday certified a petition seeking the recall of Amy Sudbeck as valid.

She said the petition contained 8 valid signatures, more than the 3 required.

Registered voters living in the USD 115 board member position 1 boundaries will decide during the November 2 general election whether Sudbeck should be removed from office.

The recall petition, which was submitted July 12, was circulated by a group of patrons upset by the board's refusal this spring to change its mask policy from “required” to “recommended.”

Sudbeck was among the majority of board members who voted against changing the policy in April and again in May.

The petition alleges she failed to perform duties prescribed by law. Specifically, it alleges she violated Kansas Statute 60-5305 by not allowing parents to make decisions regarding the healthcare of their children when attending school.

Sudbeck commented on the recall: " It's unfortunate that this issue has caused division in our community. I voted with the majority to allow our kids freedom to participate in activities, stay in school and keep them out of a quarantine invoked by the health department."

Sudbeck was appointed to the position last year and is seeking election this fall. She received the most votes in Tuesday's primary election among four candidates and will advance to the November general election ballot.



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