Polar Plunge For Pool Planned In Horton

(KAIR)--Take the plunge this Saturday morning at Horton’s first annual Polar Bear Plunge and Walk.

The charity event sponsored by Horton Parks and Recreation kicks off at 9:30 at the Horton Lake Boat Dock.

“The walk will be about a mile, mile and a half long,” said Horton Parks and Recreation Director Keith Olson. “The plunge shouldn’t take too long, everyone will just jump in or stick their feet in—whatever they want to do to take part in it.”

He says it’s open to all ages and costs $25 per person to participate with the proceeds being donated to the Horton Pool Fund.

Horton voters approved a one-percent citywide retailers sales tax to fund the construction of the new Horton Swimming Pool during the August primary elections.

A new pool for Horton has been a top priority for the past three years since the old pool was closed due to safety reasons.

Back in 2015, Horton Mayor Tim Lentz called the new pool a major goal of his after being sworn in as Mayor for another term.

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