Jackson County Budget Approved

(KNZA)--The Jackson County Commission has approved a 2017 budget of nearly $12.5 million that calls for about a 3.8 mill property tax levy increase.

The Holton Recorder reports the budget was approved on 2-1 vote last week following a hearing attended by 10 county residents who voiced their concerns about the increase.   Commissioner Rob Ladner cast the lone no vote.

The newspaper says many of the residents were concerned that the value of their property had increased significantly in the last several years, and that an increase in the county mill levy would be an even greater burden.

The budget calls for the county to collect $8.4 million in local tax revenue, which is up more than $730,000 over this year.

Commissioners say the mill levy increase will establish a funding level to sustain the county through the next five years without the need for exceeding the new state tax lid law.

Starting with the 2018 budget, counties and cities will not be allowed to raise their budgets beyond the consumer price index without having a public vote.   


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