Vacancy Filled on Horton City Commission

(KNZA)--A vacancy has been filled on the Horton City Commission.

The Commission voted 4-1 this week to appoint Jeremy Forkenbrock to fill the unexpired term of Lonnie Boller as Parks and Recreation Commissioner.  Commissioner Bryan Stirton cast the lone no vote.

The term expires in January 2020.

Forkenbrock was among three who submitted letters of interest in filling the vacancy.  The other two candidates included Bobby Bacon and David Kooser.  All three candidates were interviewed by the Commission.

Forkenbrock, who serves as director of the Horton EMS, previously served on the Commission for 7 years.

Boller, who was appointed to the position last November following the death of Commissioner Al Barton, submitted his letter of resignation August 19th.  No reason was stated for the resignation.


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