Falls City Students Earn Cornhusker Girls/Boys State Honors
Josie Nolte & Savannah Davis

(KLZA)-- The  Falls City American Legion & American Legion Auxiliary have announced that Aaron Kurpgeweit, son of Lee & Denise Kurpgeweit and Savannah Davis, daughter of Mark Davis and Josie Notle, daughter of Ben and Krystal Howard have been selected to attend the 2016 Cornhusker Boys/Girls State on the campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from June 5-11.

Cornhusker Boys' and Girls' State is a unique citizenship training program designed to provide students with a better understanding of how city, county and state governments operate. Each delegate will learn how government subdivisions operate by actually doing the job. Participants will campaign for offices, hold elections, take part in band and chorus, compete in athletics and be involved in other activities as part of the citizenship training program. They will set up their own government and draft bills.

Cornhusker Boys' and Girls' State is a unique citizenship training program in which the youth of our nation are guided toward an understanding, comprehension, and appreciation of their roles as United States citizens.