Nemaha NRD Board Hears Report on Underground Water Study

(KLZA)--  The Nemaha Natural Resources District Board of Directors met December 10th. 

Results of the helicopter flight projects conducted last April in the District were discussed. The flight data combined with test hole data helps provide information on otherwise unseen underground water sources. 

Those interested in the results of the study may contact the Nemaha NRD or access the data at

Possible updates to the Nemaha NRD District’s recreation area rules were reviewed. The revisions would help clarify existing camping, fishing and boating rules at the parks. Some changes were suggested for the group park permit and special events sections of the rules.  Changes would require a public hearing prior to approval. 

Changes to the District soil and water conservation cost-share program were reviewed. The main changes would be to the payment rates and the maximum allowed per landowner per year.     

New rates for 2016 were approved for practices such as terraces, tile outlets, waterways, grass and tree planting and small grade stabilization structures. The new maximum allowed, to be paid per landowner was increased from $5,000 to $8,000 annually.   


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