Atchison Co Approves Solid Waste Plan

(KAIR)--Atchison County is officially up to date with state solid waste requirements.

A five year solid waste plan for the county was approved by County Commissioners during a meeting held Tuesday afternoon.

Commission Chair Jeff Schuele says the plan is comprehensive and “it basically outlines what are solid waste handling capabilities are, how we handle it, how we transfer it, any part of our recycling plan that we currently have in the county....basically how we mitigate or handle any type of household hazardous waste.
The plan will now be submitted to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Mike Bodenhausen was not present at the meeting. Schuele says his resignation from the Commission was moved up a few weeks since his new job started earlier than expected. His replacement, Eric Noll, is expected to be formally appointed to the Commission by Governor Sam Brownback later this week.

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