Atchison Woman Wins Lotto Prize

(KAIR)--A school cook in Atchison is celebrating after claiming a $15,000 prize from the Kansas lottery.

49-year-old Cheryl Jones won the money after matching four of the first five numbers, plus the megaball in the January 6th drawing. Jones would have won just $5,000, but she paid the extra dollar required for the megaplier option, which triples all prizes won, except for the jackpot.

Jones had no idea she had won anything until she remembered to have her daughter check her ticket last week. She had set it aside and forgotten about it after seeing that no one had hit the $206 million jackpot.

Jones, who purchased the ticket at Lutz Brothers Oil in Atchison, says that she plans to use the money to pay off all her bills and remodel her bathroom.

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