Brownback Visits Holton Amidst Protest

Right: Brownback addresses business leaders in Holton. Left: Protesters greet the Governor

 photo BROWNBACKMINGLE.jpg(MSC News)--Governor Sam Brownback was a guest in the Jackson County community of Holton Friday, addressing local business owners during the visit.

His arrival was met with nearly two dozen protesters opposing his controversial policies.

Holton resident Michelle Ramage was among the group. She says they were there to show their support for education, but also in protest of Brownback's recent removal of a policy that barred discrimination against gays and lesbians in hiring and employment throughout the state government. She adds that “We are out here trying to protect our rights, trying to make sure that Governor Browback just doesn't keep taking us down the wrong path”.

Brownback, for his part, says Kansans should understand that while the increase in school funding this year isn't as big as it has been, it's still significant. He says “The increase, it was supposed to be $130 million to K-12. It went to over $200 million because either the statute wasn't either rightly drafted or there was problems on how it was going to be interpreted. It has been back down a lot...down to $177 million, but that is still $177 million more this year in K-12 than last year. And my hope is actually that the legislature will go back in and restore the base state aid piece, but take it away from capital outlays”.

The Governor spent nearly an hour speaking with local business owners about their concerns, including possible implementation of a flat tax, as well as his desire to move from an income tax to a consumption tax for the state, something only nine other states have done. Overall, he seemed satisfied with the input he received. He said that he thought “The suggestions from the small business owners was good. I thought the dialogue on education was good...because this is the biggest piece of spending that we do as a state, it's the most important function we do, is educating our young people.

Brownback concluded his visit with a stop at the Holton business Heart to Home, where he spent a few moments selecting a Valentines Day gift for his wife.

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