Early Interaction Is Critical For A Child's Development

(KAIR)--Any time spent, or interactions with a baby can go a long way toward helping the child develop crucial social skills.

Atchison Child Care Director Carrie Sowers says there are certain times in a child's life that are more critical than others, and she believes that “Birth through five years old really makes your foundation of who you are, how you act, how you react, what your personality is, but birth through one year old is the most important year of a person's life. Its very important to communicate, to touch, to feel, to make connection, to bring your best to them for security, for communication, it all starts right there.”

Sowers goes on to say that the right kind of interaction is just as important, and that it is very important to really connect with a child. She says that “When you look eye to eye with an infant, they are reading your face. They are knowing is that person kind? Does that person like me? Am I building a good connection? Just from your eyes. Because when you lock orbitals, your eyes are the key to your soul. Babies and infants read that. You need to smile big, hold them, look eye to eye, talk to them gently.”

Sowers says that the more words you give your child, the more they grow. It also increases their ability to pick up valuable life skills.

Sowers will be speaking more about the importance of early interaction with your child on KAIR Sunday Spotlight. Airing this Sunday at 8:00am and 1:00pm on 93.7FM, as well as at 7:00am on 1370AM.


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