Senator Questions St. Joseph Hospital

Senator Charles Grassley

(KNZA)--A Republican Senator  has issued “a stern warning” to Mosaic Life Care of Saint Joseph. 

The letter from Iowa's Charles Grassley follows a recent NPR report claiming that the former Heartland Regional Medical Center has seized the wages of thousands of lower income workers unable to pay their medical bills. 

The hospital is non-profit, and ProPublica reports that Grassley says the hospital may have broken the law, as it “may not be meeting the requirements to be a nonprofit tax exempt hospital.” His letter to Mosaic's CEO also included questions including the hospital's treatment of lower-income patients, its debt collection practices and how it administers financial assistance.

Following the NPR report, officials from the hospital announced a review of its debt collection practices in order to “do the right thing.” 

ProPublica reports that while tax-exempt hospitals are supposed to provide health care to those who can't afford it, the specific requirements are vague.


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