Seneca EMS Staffing Concerns Discussed

(KMZA )--The Seneca EMS is experiencing a shortage of volunteers to staff the ambulance service.   

Representatives of Holton-based Techs Inc., which operates the ambulance service in Seneca and Centralia, met with the Nemaha County Commission this week to discuss their concerns.

The EMS representatives told commissioners they believe hiring paid staff for the ambulance service would help resolve the problem. They presented commissioners with three options for paid staffing scheduling and asked for financial support from the county.

Commissioners requested that they bring back cost estimates for paid staffing at a future meeting.

In other business, Sabetha City Administrator Doug Allen and Assistant City Administrator Bill Shoyer met with the commission. Allen said the city is trying to entice Sabetha residents to tear down uninhabitable houses to improve the beautification of the city by offering $1,000 to property owners who remove the structures. Allen requested the county waive the dumping fees at the landfill for debris brought to the C & D pit from those structures.

Following discussion, the commission agreed to limit the charge at the landfill to $100 per structure for the remainder of this year.

And following a hearing drawing no public comment, the commission adopted a resolution vacating a one mile stretch of 200th Road between sections 30 and 31 in Clear Creek Township.

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