Republican Candidate for Governor Visits Falls City and Auburn

(KLZA) -- The Nebraska primary election is less than 50 days away.  Currently six men are seeking the Republican Party nomination for Governor.  

One of the candidates made a campaign swing through Southeast Nebraska Wednesday making stops in Auburn and Falls City.  Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning is touting his experience in state government as he seeks the nomination. Bruning is serving his 12th year as Attorney General in Nebraska following six years as a State Senator.

Bruning said he is also willing to fight against the federal government on behalf of Nebraska residents when necessary. Bruning has challenged the EPA 39 times and led a lawsuit against Obamacare that allowed Nebraska to say no to expanded Medicaid. 

Always a hot topic on the campaign trail is property taxes.  If elected, Bruning promises relief. Bruning says currently there is too much money in the rainy day fund and he feels more of those funds could go toward property tax relief.

A strong supporter of the death penalty, Bruning says if elected he will continue to push to enforce those sentences.

Most campaigns these days seem to be influenced by attack ads often funded by sources outside the state the election is taking place in.  Bruning says he wants to avoid that despite attack ads that have already been launched against his candidacy. 

Bruning also touts his work with Governor Dave Heineman to keep illegal aliens from obtaining drivers licenses and unemployment insurance.


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