American Red Cross Ready To Respond To Any Emergency

(KAIR)--No one wants to experience a disaster, but when they do occur, one organization is ready, willing, and able to step up and lend a helping hand.

The American Red Cross has been helping those in need since 1881, going wherever they are needed to provide relief to those who need it the most.  Diane Fodness is the Disaster Program Manager for the Leavenworth County Chapter of the Red Cross, and she says they work very hard to be prepared for any emergency, no matter how big or small it may be. She gives the example of responding to a single family fire. In that case, the Red Cross would make sure the family's immediate needs, such as food, shelter, and medication are taken care of as soon as possible.

Fodness says they are hard at work now making sure everything is ready for a very busy time of the year. With the spring storm season fast approaching, the organization is ensuring that everything from volunteers to equipment is up to date and ready to go.

She adds there is one resource the organization always seems to need more of. The need for blood is one that is always present, especially with the harsh winter storms hitting the east coast this year, their need is greater than ever.

If you would like more information on the Red Cross, or would like to find out how you can help, just visit their website Or call 913-682-6222.

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