Public Meetings Planned For Horton's Future

(KNZA)--Two public meetings, both focused on disrepair in Horton, are planned for this month. 

The first happens Wednesday, when nationally known CEO and businessman, Marcus Lemonis, makes a trip to the community. 

Focused on possible ways to breathe new life into the city's downtown business district, the visit will include a 6 PM town hall meeting at the Horton High School auditorium. 

Prior to the meeting, Lemonis will meet with business leaders, and others, in order to gain perspective on the issue. 

On Tuesday, January 28th, another public meeting will be held, with that one focused on the future of Horton's municipal swimming pool. 

That follows the decision of the city's insurance provider to not allow the pool to open due to its current state of disrepair. 

In order to fix-up the numerous repairs needed, the city is estimating a cost of $100,000 a pricetag the city can't afford. 

Public awareness and possible options to make the repairs happen is the focus of the January 28th meeting, planned to be held that evening at 6:00 at Horton's City Hall. 

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