Nebraska Gas Prices Fall

(KTNC) - Gasoline prices are steadily falling across Nebraska. The statewide average price is $3.40 a gallon, which has dropped almost 30-cents a gallon in the past month. The national average gas price has fallen for more than 30 days in a row, the longest consecutive decline in more than a year. Gail Weinholzer, at Triple-A-Nebraska, says several factors are coming into play in the lower fuel prices. 
She says there is an abundant gasoline supply, as people are taking fewer trips with kids back in school, and crude oil prices are lower. Weinholzer also notes that we've switched from the summer to winter fuel blends, which are cheaper to refine and there have been no major hurricanes in the Gulf Coast region.
Weinholzer says it's unlikely gasoline prices will fall below three dollars a gallon, but prices in the $3.10 to $3.15 range are possible.
The cheapest gas in the country is in South Carolina at $3.09, while Hawaii is the most expensive at $4.26.

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