Brown Co Commission Hears Rest of 2014 Budget Requests

 ( KNZA )--The Brown County Commission Monday heard the remainder of the 2014 budget requests.

Most of the requests were for an increase in funding. The largest funding request was for the county road and bridge department-- $2.8 million, a $185,000 increase over this year.

County Clerk Debbie Parker presented an employee benefits budget of nearly $1.4 million for 2014—$924,000 of that for employee health insurance.  Parker said she budgeted for an estimated 30 percent increase over this year.

A total of nearly $8.3 million in funding requests have been received for 2014. The commission will now begin the process of going over the budget requests to decide where they can make cuts. A proposed 2014 budget will then be drafted for publication. The 2014 budget will be adopted following a public hearing, which is expected in August.

In other business, the commission approved the purchase of 17-thousand tons of washed ½ inch chip road rock from Hamm Quarries, with 5-thousand tons from Leavenworth at a cost of $12.75 per ton and 12-thousand tons from Onaga at a cost of $13.25 per ton.

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