Seneca Police Searching For Stolen Vehicles

(KMZA)--Seneca Police are continuing the investigation into two seperate April thefts that have left the owners suffering thousands of dollars in losses. 

The first case involves a missing Yamaha dirtbike, stolen from the 800 block of Josephine. 

Police say the blue, 2001 250cc motorcyle is valued at over $1,000. 

The dirtbike, which has slight burn damage and a broken kick-start, disappeared sometime between April 16th and April 22nd. 

The second case involves an ATV 4-wheeler that police say was stolen from the 200 block of East Main Street. 

The 2012 yellow Polaris, valued at over $5,000, is believed to have been taken sometime between April 19th and April 22nd. 

Anyone with information about the theft cases is encouraged to notify Seneca Police to assist with the investigation. 


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