Brown-Atchison General Manager Out

(KNZA)--On the job for only around one year, the General Manager of the Brown-Atchison Electric Cooperative, headquartered in Horton, no longer holds that position. 

Rumors have been swirling since his departure, which apparently happened earlier this week, but little has been said publicly as to why Robert Perry is no longer with the REC.

Officials with Brown-Atchison do confirm that Perry is no longer affilliated with the electric cooperative, but will not elaborate on the details of his departure, citing personnel confidentiality. 

Perry's sudden departure follows the cooperative's recent 75th annual membership meeting, with Perry, at that time, saying his time in the role of General Manager was a smooth transition, with he and his wife feeling “right at home” in the local area. 

Along with no details as to what led to Perry's departure, Brown-Atchison officials have not yet stated what steps will be taken to find his replacement. 

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