Circlefest Set For Saturday

(KNZA)--The annual Circlefest celebration in Circleville, planned for Saturday in the Jackson County community, comes as the town receives special recognition. 

This year's event follows the designation of a 3 mile stretch of Kansas Highway 79, leading into Circleville, named in honor of Jesse and Virgil Barnes, Major League baseball playing brothers and natives of the community. 

The effort was accomplished by a group of former 8th graders, last year, under the supervision of  Nate McAlister, Social Studies instructor at Royal Valley Middle School. 

They gained legislative approval for the naming, and have since raised the funds for the roadway's signage.  

It was  just recently,  McAlister says, that the City of Circleville contributed the final 200-dollars needed to put the signage in place(Play Audio) 

Organizer's of Saturday's Circlefest are encouraging attendees to wear the Barnes Brothers t-shirts that were sold by the students as part of their fundraiser. 

The students are expected to be in attendance for the event, hosting a display focused on the brothers, inside the Circleville gym. 

Circlefest itself begins at 11:30 Saturday morning with the sound of bluegrass music, followed by the 2:00 opening of a bouncey house, which remains open until 6 that evening. 

From 2:30 until 5:00, a free petting zoo will be set up in the city park, while a parade, featuring Grand Marshall's Loren and Beth Mitchell, will begin at 3:30. 

At 4:30, smoked barbecue and ribs, as well as pulled pork sandwiches, will be served for a free will donation, with funds to be used to make improvements to the Circleville gym. 

As for the unveiling of the Barnes Brothers Highway signage, McAlister and the students had  hoped to have that happen during Circlefest.  However, getting the signs in place from the state, and lining up dignitaries to attend, didn't fit the timing, with that ceremony likely to take place sometime in the next few months. 

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