Denison Celebrates 125 Years

(KNZA)--Plans are in place for a grand celebration of Denison's 125th birthday, with ceremonies planned for Saturday. 

Marilyn Seeger is a member of the Denison City Council, and has been instrumental in working towards making the celebration, for the Jackson County community, a reality, beginning to plan for the event in October of 2011, followed by the formation of the Denison Birthday Committee(Play Audio) 

Now, with the details in place, Seeger says a full day of activities are set for Saturday, starting with breakfast at the Senior Citizen's Center(Play Audio) 

Seeger says, once the morning winds down, lunch will be served, followed by a number of afternoon events(Play Audio) 

Seeger speaks highly of the community that she's called home for nearly four decades, saying she's proud of the achievements made in the community of around 187(Play Audio) 

Denison began as part of Calhoun County, organized by the First Territorial Legislature in 1855, known then as North Cedar, or Tippinville. 

Then, in 1887, when the Kansas City, Wyandotte and Northwestern Railroad was built, but missed crossing into North Cedar by three quarters of a mile south, the Post Office, and other businesses, relocated to be near the railroad in the area now known as Denison. 

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