Falls City Main Street Project Underway

(KTNC) - After a few delays, work is finally underway on the Falls City Main Street project.  Workers from AHRS Costruction were on-site early Monday morning, beginning the process on the south side of 17th Street between Harlan and Stone. 
 The first phase of construction involves that block of 17th Street, followed by the west side of Stone between 17th and 18th, and also the intersections of 17th and Stone and 18th and Stone.  The project involves reconfiguring sidewalks to lower curb heights and provide easier access to downtown businesses.  Intersections will also be redone with bump-outs and four-way stop signs replacing the current traffic signals.
 Construction was to have begun July 12th, but was delayed until after the Cobblestone Festival to allow the contractor to determine the exact location of fiber optic cable buried along the street.
 Phase one construction was originally scheduled to have been completed by the end of October.  A new construction timeline has not been announced.