Kickapoo Tribe Enacts Mandatory Water Conservation

(KNZA)--Mandatory water conservation rules are in affect for all customers supplied by the Kickapoo Tribe.  

The decision was made by Kickapoo Water Department Manager, Jim Conklin, and the Kickapoo Tribal Council. 

The public notice, regarding the decision, states that all persons, businesses, and community members using treated water of the Kickapoo Tribe are required to continue mandatory water conservation.  

That includes no watering of lawns and gardens, filling of swimming pools, and no car washing. 

The watering of livestock can only be done through use of a land based water source, with treated water to be used only in an emergency situation. 

Additionally, the measure prohibits the Kickapoo Fire Department from using water for training exercises while it remains in place. 

The public notice further states that anyone, including a business, violating the requirements will be immediately disconnected from the Kickapoo water service. 

The mandatory water conservation requirements will remain in full effect until canceled by the Tribal Council. 

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