July Jubilee Underway Near Holton

KNZA's Justin Fluke interviews Joey and Rory as they prepare to hit the stage at 8:00.

Despite a temperature of 103, just as Tyler Ahlgren was set to hit the stage and fill the venue with music, a strong turnout is noted at the annual “July Jubilee,” underway at Banner Creek Reservoir, just west of Holton. 

The gates opened at 3:00, and activities kicked-off, including boating, swimming and disc golf. 

The crowd awaits more musical performances, including the Randel Stueve band and headliners Joey and Rory, the internationally known country music duo from the Nashville area.  Rory grew up in Atchison and Highland, and he calls tonight's 8:00 performance a homecoming of sorts. 

The new, and expanding Banner Creek Science Center is also open, allowing visitors a first hand look until 10:00.

As those doors close, spectators will be treated to the annual grand fireworks conclusion. 

Tickets are 10 dollars. Children ten and under get in free. 

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