Publishers Clearinghouse Used in Scam

 Another scam works its way into Brown County, with the reputable name of “Publisher's Clearing House” being used in a not so reputable way. 

Sheriff John Merchant says the scam works like this(Play Audio)

Merchant says the attempt to gain bank account information has been reported to his office many times in the last several days(Play Audio) 

Merchant says this latest scam is another case of “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” 

Meanwhile, the Sheriff's Department is seeking extra eyes to help watch for thieves, following a recent increase in daytime thefts occurring in Brown County(Play Audio) 

Merchant asks that all Brown County residents remain alert for suspicious vehicles, or activity, and to collect any information that can be safely acquired. 

That includes license plates, type and color of suspicious vehicles, or other identifying details. 

Merchant says it's a simple fact that deputies can't patrol all areas at once, and that's why he looks to the public as the greatest resource when it comes to reporting suspcious activity. 


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