State Rep Commends Postal Decision

State Rep. Randy Garber (R-Sabetha)

 Although it might preliminary to say with full certainty that they're safe forever, the recent announcement from the United States Postal Service that alternative plans will be explored instead of closing rural post offices is being touted as a positive outcome to the issue. 

Just ask State Representative Randy Garber. The 62nd District Republican, from Sabetha, was a familiar face at the numerous meetings held across the local area late last year protesting postal service plans to close post offices.  A number of those on the potential chopping block were based in local rural communities, as the Postal Service looked to save itself from bankruptcy. 

Garber, opposed to the closures, now voices his appreciation for the Postal Service looking to other possibilities, meaning post offices in his district will be spared for now(Play Audio :18 seconds)

Garber says that although the other options are being explored, he believes, in light of the Postal Service's extensive financial woes, attempts to make closures could re-emerge in the future(Play Audio :12 seconds) 

Previously, up to 37-hundred low-revenue post offices-including 134 in Kansas, 90 in Nebraska and 167 in Missouri-were slated for closure or consolidation beginning sometime after May 15th.

The new plan would give communities the option to keep their post offices open but at reduced hours.  Another option would be to close a post office in one area while keeping a nearby office open full time. 

The idea of village post offices-discussed in detail during the past local meetings -also remain an option. That means a post office would close, but postal services would be offered elsewhere in a community, such as a grocery store, the library, or a church. 

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