Infant Immunization Week

This is National Infant Immunization Week, an annual observance to highlight the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases and to celebrate the achievements of immunization programs in promoting healthy communities throughout the United States.
    The Southeast District Health Department conducts nine infant immunization clinics each month serving Richardson, Pawnee, Nemaha, Johnson and Otoe counties  with clinics in Falls City, Humboldt, Pawnee City, Tecumseh, Auburn, Nebraska City and Syracuse.
    Christine Eltiste, the Immunization Nurse for Southeast District Health Department commented on why the immunizations are so important.  ( play audio  :27 seconds )
    Actually the vaccines used to prevent diseases have been so successful that parents actually may not have heard of some of today’s vaccines or the serious diseases they prevent.
    Eltiste explains who can utilize the immunization clinics.  ( play audio  :22 seconds )
    For more information on the immunization clinics you may contact Southeast District Health Department at 402-274-3993  or check their website at 

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