Positive Vibes
Nemaha Central Forensics 1st Place!!!
Thunder Forensics with another 1st place finish today at Hiawatha!
17 events advanced to finals with the following finishes...
Felder/Lutz - Duet 2nd
Yunghans/Anderson - Duet 4th
Holthaus/Edelman - IDA 5th
Seitz/Ganstrom - IDA 2nd
Uphaus - Extemp. 3rd
Scism - Inform. 3rd
Ganstrom - Serious Solo 1st
Yunghans - Serious Solo 4th
Felder - Humorous Solo 2nd
Tincher - Humorous Solo 5th
Anderson - Humorous Solo 6th
Seitz - Poetry 3rd
Felder - Poetry 4th
Thayer - Prose 4th
Edelman - POI 5th
Holthaus - Oration 1st
Uphaus - Oration 6th
Great work and GO THUNDER!!!