Pawnee City School Board Discusses Building Project at Special Meeting

(KTNC) - The Pawnee City School Board continued discussions on a potential building project during a board retreat Monday night.  The board met with an architect and financial advisor, who presented building plans and cost estimates to the board and 15-to-20 district patrons in attendance.
 Superintendent Stephen Grizzle explains what’s proposed in the building plans.   (play audio   :44)
 The plan also includes renovations to the kitchen area, renovating the existing elementary building to include more small instructional areas, adding a fire sprinkler system in the gym and cafeteria area, a new H-VAC system in the gym and cafeteria, and a new roof on the kitchen and cafeteria building.
 Grizzle says the cost estimate to do the complete project is $3.3 million, which would require a bond levy of an additional 9.3-cents per $100 of assessed valuation.  He says there were several questions from patrons about the tax implications of the project.  (play audio  :45)
 If the bond were approved, Grizzle says the board could consider lowering the Special Building Fund levy from four-cents to two-cents, making for a net increase of 7.3-cents in the total levy.  Grizzle says the Building and Grounds Committee has sought to keep the levy increase under nine cents.
 The Pawnee City School Board will vote on whether to go ahead with the bond election at its July meeting.  If the board votes to move forward, the bond election would then be held in September.

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