(KAIR)-- Flooding has forced the closure of the Atchison County Lake.
That word was delivered Friday morning by the Atchison County Road and Bridge Department, with the statement saying the lake is closed from the east entrance to the west entrance, and will remain closed until further notice due to the flooding.
Following announcement of the closure, Atchison County's Code Red emergency message system was used to alert residents that the threat of flooding also remained elsewhere in the County, with recent rainfall and snowmelt being blamed.
The message informed residents to be alert for flooded areas and to obey road closed signs.
Those who encounter flooding, or who have questions or concerns, are told to call 913-804-6120.
Meanwhile, a flood warning has been issued for Stranger Creek at Easton, affecting the counties of Atchison and Leavenworth.
According to the National Weather Service, minor flooding of Stranger Creek is expected until early Sunday morning.
The reminder is sent to motorists to remember to turn around, don`t drown when encountering flooded roads, as most flood deaths occur in vehicles.
© Many Signals Communications
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