***Closings***    Holton Senior Center - Closed Wednesday *** Jackson County Courthouse Closed Wednesday *** NEK-CAP Offices & Centers - All Closed on Wednesday *** Nemaha County Meals on Wheels and Public Transportation Closed Wednesday *** Cardiac Rehab at Amberwell Hiawatha Cancelled for Wednesday *** Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha *** Auburn Head Start Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Head Start Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Public Schools Closed Wednesday *** Falls City Sacred Heart Closed Wednesday *** Highland Community College - All Campuses and Classes Cancelled Wednesday *** Humboldt Table Rock Steinaur Closed Wednesday *** Johnson County Central Schools Closed Wednesday *** Kickapoo Nation School - Closed Wednesday *** Maur Hill - Mount Academy closed Wednesday *** Pawnee City Schools Closed Wednesday *** Saint Benedict Catholic School closed Wednesday *** Sterling Schools Closed Wednesday *** Table Rock Head Start Closed Wednesday *** USD 111 Doniphan West closed Wednesday. No parent/teacher conferences *** USD 113 Prairie Hills - Closed Wednesday *** USD 114 Riverside - Closed Wednesday *** USD 115 Nemaha Central--closed Wednesday *** USD 322 Onaga, Havensville, Wheaton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 335 Jackson Heights - Closed Wednesday *** USD 336 Holton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 337 Royal Valley - Closed Wednesday *** USD 338 Valley Falls - Closed Wednesday *** USD 340 Jeff West - Closed Wednesday *** USD 341 Oskaloosa - Closed Wednesday *** USD 342 McLouth - Closed Wednesday *** USD 343 Perry Lecompton - Closed Wednesday *** USD 372 Silver Lake - Closed Wednesday *** USD 377 ACCHS - Closed Wednesday *** USD 409 Atchison-closed Wednesday *** USD 415 Hiawatha--closed Wednesday *** USD 429 Troy - Closed Wednesday *** USD 430 South Brown County--closed Wednesday ***
Tuesday fire devastates Atchison home

Credit: Atchison Fire Dept.

(KAIR)--An Atchison residence, in the city's Branchton area, is left uninhabitable following a Tuesday evening fire that devastated the roof of the home.

That's according to Atchison Fire Chief Patrick Weishaar, who says his crew was called, shortly before 7:00, to 904 Henry Street, with flames visible on the skyline as they approached on U.S. Highway 59.

Flames, when they arrived, were found coming from the gable end of the home, near a brick chimney, with an interior attack made to extinguish the blaze which had spread throughout the home's attic. However, Weishaar says the construction of the home made the effort difficult, forcing firefighters to retreat and continue extinguishing efforts from outside the home.

As they did, a powerline, attached to the chimney, fell across the roof and yard, with the arcing keeping firefighters "back from the area where the fire had extended through the wall."

Evergy arrived and removed the line, allowing firefighters to successfully continue their work in suppressing the fire.

The Atchison Salvation Army, which responded to the scene to provide refreshments for first responders, is assisting the displaced residents with lodging and other necessities.

Also assisting with the effort was the Atchison Police Department, Atchison County EMS, and City of Atchison crews.

No injuries are reported.

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