***Closings***    Jackson County Courthouse Closed Wednesday *** NEK-CAP Offices & Centers - All Closed on Wednesday *** Nemaha County Meals on Wheels and Public Transportation Closed Wednesday *** Cardiac Rehab at Amberwell Hiawatha Cancelled for Wednesday *** Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
New 377 elementary principal needed

(KAIR)--Atchison County USD 377 has begun the search for a new elementary school principal.

Following an executive session at their January 8th meeting, the USD 377 Board of Education accepted the resignation of Mandi McMillan as elementary principal.

The resignation is effective at the end of the current school year.

McMillan has served as elementary principal since the 2016-17 school year. Prior to that, she taught 4th grade at the school.

Also at the meeting, board officers were elected for 2025.

Lori Lanter was re-elected as board president , and Corey Neill as vice-president.

In addition, the board approved the purchase of a 2014 Ford Expedition, with extended warranty, from Foster Ford in the amount of $26,875.

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