Council hears presentation on KMEA solar project

Seneca City Hall

(KMZA)--The Seneca City Council heard a presentation about a large-scale solar project the city has the opportunity to be a part of when they met last week.

A representative of the Kansas Municipal Energy Agency, which Seneca is a member of, appeared before the Council to discuss the project, which would add to the city's energy capacity portfolio.

The city would have to enter into a 30-year contract to buy and sell solar power. The contract would begin in 2027.

The Council faces a December 31st deadline for making a decision on participation in the solar project and is expected to make a decision at their December 18th meeting.

In other business, City Administrator Steve Brooks provided an update on the substation/generation project. He said he's still in negotiations on a second potential site for the project.

Brooks said he recently had a meeting with KMEA about the city's electric rates and what's needed to fund the project. He said his goal is to present a rate increase proposal to the Council by their 1st meeting in January.

Brooks said he also working on a water rate increase proposal to present to the Council in January.

Also at the meeting, a plaque was presented to Susan Bowman in recognition of her 28 years of service with the Seneca Housing Authority.

Following an executive session, the Council voted to hire Patrick Lintner for the new journey/lineman position at a salary of $40 an hour.

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