Richardson Co Sheriffs Dept busy during special enforcement

(KLZA)-- It was a short meeting for Richardson County Commissioners Wednesday.

Sheriff Rick Hardesty reported there were 11 inmates currently housed at the Law Enforcement Center.

Sheriff Hardesty noted that his officers made 338 traffic stops during the Click It or Ticket campaign that ran from November 23 through December 1.

During the special enforcement 333 of the stops were proactive and five were generated by complaints about driving. 247 of the stops were made on Highway 75. 120 citations were issued by officers during the enforcement including 55 for speed, 12 for seat belt violations and 5 for child restraint infractions. One was arrested for felony drugs 1 for DUI and 6 for driving while suspended or revoked and 5 people were arrested on warrants.

Deputies working overtime during the campaign were compensated through grant funds from the Nebraska Department of Transportation.

Highway Superintendent Steve Darveau Jr. updated the Board on county road and bridge business.

Emergency Management Agency Director Brian Kirkendall was given authorization to sell surplus phones and accessories determined to be surplus through social media websites.

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