County approves purchase of asphalt zipper

Brown County Courthouse

(KNZA)--Brown County will be getting a new machine to aid in the repair of the county's hard-surfaced roads.

The Brown County Commission, when they meet last week, approved the purchase of a 2013 asphalt zipper from the city of Hiawatha for $43,000.

The purchase was approved on a 2-1 vote, with Commissioner Bill Pollock casting the dissenting vote.

The city accepted sealed bids for the machine and the county was the successful bidder.

In other business, the Commission was presented with two bids received for the replacement of a bridge south of Fairview.

Pollock, whose district the bridge is located in, said he would like to look further into installing a tube instead of replacing the bridge and utilizing a grant the county was awarded for the project.

Commissioners Rich Lehmkuhl and Lamar Shoemaker questioned the financial feasibility of changing plans at this point in the process. It was pointed out that the county had already invested $54,000 in the project.

In addition, Lehmkuhl said not moving forward with the bridge project could hurt the county's chances of receivings grants in the future.

Road and Bridge secretary Tami Lehmkuhl said the Commission needs to make a decision by December 13 on whether to authorize the awarding of a contract for the bridge replacement project.

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