Eyes of Child Team accepting donations

(KLZA)-- The Eyes of the Child Team is made up of Richardson, Pawnee, Nemaha and Johnson counties in Nebraska's 1st Judicial District.

The Team is sponsoring a drive to provide families involved in courts, with opportunities to bond through activities over the holiday season.

The Eyes of the Child team is part of the Nebraska Court Improvement Project. Multiple teams across the state meet regularly to address systemic issues in their juvenile court system.

The team consists of judges, attorney's Department of Health and Human Services administrators, court appointed special advocate employees, Foster Care Review Office members, probation officers and law enforcement.

The 1st Judicial District team is requesting gift cards and certificates to entertainment venues such as movie theaters, bowling alleys, museums and other places where families can go and enjoy time together.

Donation boxes are set up outside each of the participating County Courthouse offices. Donations will be accepted until December 13. Once collected, juvenile agencies will distribute them to the families.

If you have questions you may contact SENCA's Court Appointed Special Advocate Coordinator Debbie Green at 402-209-0446.

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