Colonial Acres Nursing Home update

(KLZA)--The Humboldt Citizen Support Group is congratulating the greater Humboldt community for having reached the initial $100,000 contribution threshold for Colonial Acres Nursing Home.

This cash injection level reached $100,000 last week.

Large and small donations have combined to allow for a firm financial footing to be re-established, recovering from the hole that was created by the impacts of Covid.

During a Novmeber 17 meeting, the Citizen Support Group had reason to celebrate having reached this threshold. They also learned that Colonial Acres Nursing Home & Assisted Living had officially started the new Fiscal Year with positive revenue, which was not based on donations or State Funds.

Nursing Home Administrator Betsy Packet reported that this positive revenue appears to indicate that things have potentially turned a corner.

In August 2024, it was all hands are on deck as the Humboldt community rallied in support of the City owned Colonial Acres Nursing Home & Assisted Living. Donations large and small, from 37 unique donors: individuals, businesses, community institutions have gotten the Citizen Support Campaign to this initial $100,000 level which has resulted in the ability to make major headway with accounts payable that had accumulated during Covid.

Nursing Home census has rebounded from an average of 25 in 2020 during Covid to 32 in the most recent quarter of 2024. That represents a 20% positive gain.

The Citizen Support Group notes that there is a need to finish paying past due accounts payable and to restore a working level of cash reserves.

This effort as triggered in August continues. Contributions can be made directly to the Coloial Acres Nursing Home.

Anyone is welcome to join in with this working group for this next push. This group has been holding meetings at 6 PM on selected Sunday evenings. Feel free to reach out and get your email address on the contact list for the posting of any future work sessions.

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