Positive Vibes

Congrats Sergeants Matthew Locke and Caleb Carrow!!!

Sergeants Matthew Locke and Caleb Carrow are Alpha Battery’s Soldier Spotlights of the month. Both Sergeants Locke and Carrow recently furthered their civilian education through completion of law enforcement training. Sergeant Locke completed the Johnson County Regional Police Academy and Sergeant Carrow completed the Wichita Sedgwick County Law Enforcement Training Center. Both Soldiers recently returned from the 2-130th FAR’s deployment to CENTCOM. Sergeants Locke and Carrow took initiative in furthering their civilian education and to serve in roles in law enforcement. Both Soldiers are standout NCOs that train and develop the Soldiers. Alpha Battery takes great pride in both the military education and civilian education of our Soldiers. ON THE RADAR!
"Always a Little Better!"