USD 115 Sets Hearing On Possible Closure

The Nemaha Central USD 115 Board has taken the first step in the possible closure of the St. Benedict Elementary School.

Superintendent Darrel Kohlman said the board voted Monday evening to publish a notice in the paper for a public hearing ( play audio )

Kohlman says the next step in the process would be passage of a resolution to close the building, which will be on agenda for the board’s March meeting.

The board in December adopted a strategic plan for the district, which calls for the closure of the school at the end of the current school year.

If the St. Benedict school is closed, Kohlman said K-5th grade students would attend classes at the Nemaha Elementary and Middle School in Seneca. The 6th grade class at St. Benedict would be moved to the Baileyville school, which will be operated as a 6th-12th grade building.

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